Review 2021
Supply Chain Day 2021 University of Economics in Katowice
On April 15, 2021, as many as three events will take place as part of the celebration of the Supply Chain Day at University of Economics in Katowice.
The main organizer of the Supply Chain Day on behalf of the University of Economics in Katowice is the Department of Business Logistics. The activities are coordinated by Ph.D. Piotr Hanus, Prof. Krzysztof Niestrój, Ph.D. Danuta Zwolińska, Ph.D. Gabriela Hanus, Ph.D. Krzysztof Zowada, M.Sc. Monika Kamińska. The Supply Chain Day at our University is organized for the sixth time. Our University was the first centre in Poland to be involved in the organization of this event.
First of the events is workshop with Amazon company: "Supply chain challenges 2021 - with Amazon". The invitation to this workshop was sent by Mrs. Martyna Haładus, Operations Manager, Mr. Paweł Jaroń, Ship Area Manager and Mr. Kacper Wojciechowski, Flow Area Manager. The invitation is addressed to all students of the University of Economics in Katowice, especially for students studying in the fields of: Logistics, International Economic Relations and Economic Analyst.
The second of the planned events is a workshop that will be led by Ph.D. Krzysztof Grochowski, M.Sc. Wojciech Jędrzejewski, M.Sc. Daniel Zwierzchowski oraz M.Sc. Paweł Donarski from Tisoft company. The subject of the workshop is modern management of the production process using the Work Manager ERP system. The invitation is addressed to all students of the University of Economics in Katowice, especially for students studying in the fields of: Logistics, International Economic Relations and Economic Analyst.
The third event is the TransEdu Academy workshop: directions of logistics development, Logistics 4.0, expectations of transport and forwarding companies towards future employees. The workshop will be led by Mrs. Lucyna Szierok, TransEdu Coordinator and Mr. Bogumił Paszkiewicz, TransEdu Project Manager. The workshop will be attended by high school students from High School No. 2 in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.
Detailed plan of the “Supply chain challenges 2021 - with Amazon” workshop:
1. Introduction to Amazon's business and the challenges Amazon faces.
2. Instructional videos and introductory materials for the business case session.
3. Workshop, the content of which will be a business case on the subject of "Contingency situations management".
4. Business case summary.
5. Q&A session
Description of the workshop with Tisoft company:
1. Lecture on the essence of process management in the activities of enterprises and the application of the Work Manager ERP system.
2. Workshop on how to use Work Manager ERP to support your organization's service and production process
- User registration with Work Manager EDU
- Creation of an individual - educational instance of the system
- Overview of the main functionalities of Work Manager ERP and Start Shop app
- Process Management - Workflow Orders
- Overcoming silo barriers
- Cooperation within the process between warehouse and production - system material accounting
3. Summary
Programme of the TransEdu Academy workshop:
1. Lecture: Why is logistics developing? What is Logistics 4.0? - a few words about studies carried out mainly among transport and forwarding companies on expectations for future employees.
2. Workshop: Conducting a simulation of the official exam from the module: Manager in the TSL industry.
3. Workshop: Tools supporting the work of logistics: Goodloading.
Meeting point
The event will take place online. Details at: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/jednostki/katedry/kz/katedra-logistyki-ekonomicznej/supply-chain-day/supply-chain-day-2021.html
Target group
10:00 - 13:30 o'clock
University of Economics in KatowiceBusiness
Monika Kamińska, Piotr Hanus, Krzysztof Niestrój, Gabriela Hanus, Krzysztof Zowada, Danuta Zwolińska
ul. 1 Maja 50
40-28 Katowice
monika.m.kaminska@uekat.pl; piotr.hanus@uekat.pl; krzysztof.niestroj@ue.katowice.pl; gabriela.hanus@uekat.pl; krzysztof.zowada@uekat.pl; danuta.zwolinska@uekat.pl
University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Business Logistics
Event venue
ul. 1 Maja 50
40-287 Katowice, Polen
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Supply Chain Day
On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.
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