Rückblick 2023
Supply Chain Day 2023
Please be advised that on April 20, 2023, as part of the Supply Chain Day celebration, there will be as many as three offline and online events. Invited guests:
2. Goodloading,
3. FlexSim InterMarium
The invitation to the workshop is addressed to all students and employees of the University, in particular to students studying in the fields of: Logistics in Business, Logistics, International Economic Relations, Economic Analytics, Management.
The main organizer of the Supply Chain Day on behalf of the University of Economics in Katowice is the Department of Business Logistics. The activities are coordinated by: dr Piotr Hanus, dr Krzysztof Niestrój, prof. UE, dr Anna Mercik, dr inż. Danuta Zwolińska, dr Gabriela Hanus, dr Krzysztof Zowada, mgr Monika Kamińska.
The Supply Chain Day at our University is organized for the eighth time. Our University was the first center in Poland to join the organization of this event.
1. Building sustainable logistics practices – practical workshop (room 411A, 9:00 - 12:00)
- Introduction in CO2 Neutrality
- Building a Sustainability Roadmap (targets, KPI, system)
- Study Case: Calculate the CO2 Footprint of your Group
- Brainstorm on actions to improve your CO2 Footprint
- Bottom Line: ALL for Green Logistics
Anna Ossowska, Division Operations PC&L Manager FIS Europe
Gabriela Genevieve, Division CO2 Neutrality Manager FIS Europe
2. Goodloading - no one asked, everyone needed (online, 9:00 - 12:00)
- An introduction to the Goodloading software and why it was created
- Workshops on the optimal use of cargo space (optimization of loading a pallet, container, truck)
Bogumil Paszkiewicz, Goodloading CEO
3. Introduction to process simulation in the FlexSim tool (rooms @4.17 and @4.18, 9:00 - 12:00)
- What is process simulation?
- What is the profession of a Process Simulation Engineer?
- Presentation of exemplary industrial models
- The use of FlexSim when writing diploma theses
- Workshop on creating simulation models (after a 10-minute break)
Dawid Dąbal, Vice-President of the Management Board and Director of the FlexSim Program
Filip Polit, Board Member and Domestic Sales Director
Patryk Żuchowicz, FlexSim Senior Simulation Engineer
Online + University of Economics in Katowice - A and CNTI building
Details at: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/jednostki/katedry/wz/katedra-logistyki-ekonomicznej/supply-chain-day.html
Schüler, Studierende
09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
University of Economics in KatowiceBranche
Monika Kamińska
ul. 1 Maja 50
40-28 Katowice
monika.m.kaminska@uekat.pl, piotr.hanus@uekat.pl, anna.mercik@uekat.pl, krzysztof.niestroj@uekat.pl, krzysztof.zowada@uekat.pl, danuta.zwolinska@uekat.pl, gabriela.hanus@uekat.pl
University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Business Logistics
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